Pilot stop work underway in WA

Pilot stop work underway in WA

The Australian Federation of Air Pilots is disappointed we have had to take this action today (4 October 2023) and remains committed to reaching an agreement for our members who fly for Qantas domestically in Western Australia.

"We had been hoping as recently as yesterday afternoon to resume discussions with the company to reach an agreement so that we did not need to take this action today," said Senior Industrial Officer Chris Aikens.

"The decision to embark on protected industrial action has not been made lightly,," he said.

"Negotiations on an expired Enterprise Agreement have come to nothing, leaving most Network Aviation pilots with wages and conditions that are well below industry standards."

"Domestic pilots flying passenger and charter flights around WA have been trying to reach an agreement with the Qantas since March."

"Many of these pilots earn less that what is included in the Air Pilots Award which is the bare legal minimum."

"Network Aviation's pilots are simply asking for something that is affordable and sustainable for the company and its workforce."

"The AFAP remains open to meeting with the company to progress negotiations in good faith in order to reach an agreement," said Mr Aikens.


Network Aviation pilots' 24-hour stoppage today  (00:01 to 22:59AWST) is lawful protected industrial action approved by the Fair Work Commission.

The Australian Federation of Air Pilots (AFAP) represents more than 85 per cent of the commercial pilots employed by Qantas Group subsidiary Network Aviation to fly passenger transport (PT), and fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) and private charter aircraft in Western Australia.

This pilot group is negotiating a new enterprise agreement to replace the Network Aviation Pilots Enterprise Agreement 2016 (expired 31 Oct 2020).

With more than 5700 members, the AFAP is the largest professional association and industrial organisation for commercial pilots in Australia flying domestically and internationally.    


Protecting Australia's Pilots