AFAP Continuous Resilience Development

AFAP Continuous Resilience Development

The AFAP Resilient Pilot program provides a no jeopardy environment for pilots to measure their own development of ICAO competencies to assist taking the next step in their career. The programs growth has meant we have expanded resources to allow access to more AFAP members.

The Australian Federation of Air Pilots (AFAP) is excited to remind you of a unique professional development opportunity available to our members: the AFAP Resilient Pilot program, in collaboration with Resilient Pilot (RP) from the UK.

Over the past three years, we've been involved in developing and refining this program to assist pilots in self-assessing their ICAO competencies, enhancing their professional skills, and boosting their confidence for returning to flying. Whether you're preparing to enter the industry, preparing for evidence-based training (EBT), pursuing type ratings, or aiming for career advancements such as Command Upgrade or transitioning to multi-crew operations, this program is tailored to support your journey.

What makes this program stand out is its non-jeopardy environment, providing a safe space for participants to build adaptive capacity for their next career steps. Through a combination of monthly Group Workshops, Competency-based Development Scenarios (CDS) in virtual simulators, and access to experienced pilot mentor/coaches and professional performance coaches, participants can refine both technical and non-technical skills crucial for success in aviation.

The CDS virtual sims are dilemma based scenarios that pilots face day to day where there is no right or wrong, pass or fail, just an opportunity to self identify competencies you do well as well as competencies you could develop. The develop of behaviours are aligned with ICAO competencies particularly emphasing the five non technical skills

The CDS sessions focus on addressing challenges pilots encounter in scenarios with multiple solutions, emphasizing the development of behaviours aligned with ICAO's competencies, particularly the five non-technical skills which provide scope for the biggest :
  1. Communication
  2. Leadership and Teamwork
  3. Problem-solving and Decision-making
  4. Situational Awareness and Information Management
  5. Workload Management

The table below from Resilient Pilot represents a snapshot of participants self assessed data in 2023 and highlights significant increases in confidence and professional competence.

Whether you're a redundant pilot returning to flying, a CPL holder aspiring to advanced aircraft roles, a First Officer preparing for Command Upgrade, or anyone seeking confidence-building post-operational events, this program is designed to cater to your needs.

We are pleased to offer all active AFAP members an exclusive £5 discount on the monthly subscription price, bringing it down to £25 per month. (Check with your accountant whether this is tax deductable).

If you would like more information or wish to subscribe, please reach out to or use the following AFAP dedicated link: AFAP RESILIENT PILOT | Continuous Resilience Development

For more details and common queries, visit our website: AFAP Continuous Resilience Development program

Best regards,

AFAP Safety and Technical Team


Protecting Australia's Pilots