AFAP Leading Edge Workshops

AFAP Leading Edge Workshops

The AFAP New Wings Workshop #1 is on 27th March presented by the AFAP Safety and Technical team. Topic: Knowledge, skills and attitude for CPL to first 5 years.

AFAP’s 'New Wings' program seeks to promote and advance the interests of Australia's next generation of pilots. More expansively, New Wings seeks to ensure that pilots in the early stages of their career are effectively supported on the path to a fulfilling profession.

As part of this wider program, we are hosting a short series of informative 'Leading Edge' workshops covering a range of topics specifically designed for early-career pilots looking to develop their professional knowledge and skills.

The workshops are hosted by pilots from the AFAP Safety and Technical team and are aimed at sharing knowledge and skills to bridge the knowledge gap at the beginning or a pilots career.
There are many career first steps to take and having insight from pilots who have taken the steps before you can be invaluable.

Through this initiative, coupled with our 'AFAP Resilient Pilot' project, participants will also be able to access a team of experienced pilots available for ongoing mentoring.

The first of these online workshops ‘Knowledge, skills and attitude for CPL to first 5 years’ will cover a range of sub-topics including:

  • Key must haves from aircraft endorsements
  • Rules of Thumb
  • Importance of Turbulence Penetration awareness on GA aircraft
  • Decision making models
  • Commit to Stop
  • Go-No-Go Mindset

While this will be of most interest to those members in the National Pilot Council, all AFAP members are most welcome to attend:


Date: Wednesday 27 March, 19:00-20:30 AEDT
Presenters: Capt Philip Remilton / Capt Marcus Diamond / Capt Naomi Radke
Webinar link: Emailed to participants the day before

Future workshop topics include:

  • Workshop 2 – How to use professional competencies and behaviours in GA
  • Workshop 3 – Coping with your first scare
  • Workshop 4 – Saying ‘no’ the right way

Please RSVP to to register for Workshop 1.


Protecting Australia's Pilots