The AFAP Continuous Resilience Development (CRD) program is a professional development initiative designed for pilots seeking to enhance their skills and confidence. It introduces the concept of Competency Based Training (CBTA) and provides a no jeopardy environment for pilots to rehearse and develop competencies and behaviours.
Initially aimed at redundant pilots returning to flying, it has evolved into a comprehensive continuous development program that includes group workshops, virtual simulator scenarios, and the option to work with a mentor and/or coach one on one. The program helps pilots shift from task-focused thinking to developing behaviours that help them be more adaptable and have confidence in handling normal day of operations and unexpected situations. In short is an environment for the development of resilience.
EASA definition of Resilience
“the ability of a flight crew member to recognize, absorb and adapt to disruptions."
Pilots enter the program at various stages for various reasons and feedback tells us that they find the environment allows them space to adapt. It ranges from pilots who want to proactively prepare for the next career step and caters even after challenges have popped up and they need a no risk space to build back confidence. Resilience development forms part of evidence-based training (EBT) and is still evolving as to what it is. This program fills that need.

Figure 1: Example of Competency Development Scenario (CDS) virtual simulation. The scenarios are different aircraft, airspace and runway configuration as the focus is on non-technical competencies and not about physically flying the aircraft. Participants can rehearse behaviours and competencies without the testing conditions.
Virtual scenario-based training (SBT)
This program aligns exactly with Competency Based Training (CBTA) methodology and regulations (even though it isn’t required to) which recommends including virtual SBT as a tool for enhance the learning environment. The AFAP have demonstrated the program to CASA in Canberra and it is fully support with work in progress to have some CASA delegates participate in the program. The benefits observed by virtual delivery are.
- Dilemma based – No right/wrong or pass/fail
Whenever does a pilot have a learning environment where there is no risk to their reputation? When a dilemma is presented in a no jeopardy environment, pilots are able to remove the distraction of feeling like they need to be perfect allowing concentration on development. All the scenarios are taken from the IATA evidence-based training data form so reflect what threats and errors are currently occurring globally. No two solutions pilots determine need to be the same, it is about working through the process. Starting with managing our own stress response before moving to solving the dilemma.
- Focus on non technical competencies
Technical competencies are peeled away by way of it being virtual delivery leaving more chance of good exposure of the non technical competencies
- Face to face observation
The facilitator can observe the participants and tailor the learning environment to accommodate
- Comfortable environment
Participants are in their own home which enables relaxed performance. CBTi’s are trained to PULL out the individual behaviours by encouraging positive self assessment. This plays out as identifying what they do well so they can do more of it and then being more open to look at what behaviours could be even better.
- Sim for NTS training/Advanced arm chair flying
By removing the distraction of the technical flight path management, the space left allows for more concentration on development of non technical skills.
The program includes virtual competency development scenarios, technical and non-technical workshops, access to a Resilience Hub for self-paced learning, and the ability to book sessions via the Resilience Deck (the Resilient Pilot learning management system in an app) or website. Pilots can choose their own adventure and use only some or all the program elements.
Some operators are providing the program for pilots and many pilots take the initiative and access it themselves. Being a no jeopardy space where there is no risk to employment pilots find they less distracted by this worry and development is able to occur more freely and be repeatable.
Types of pilots benefitting from the program
Career Status (CS): Route to Command
Benefit (B): FO’s who estimate they are < 12 months from entering the command training process (eg prior to the command assessment meeting) are able to explore their own leadership behaviours, identify and build confidence in their own style and ‘try things out’. The mystery of Command is reduced and FO’s report their command training experience was less daunting after spending time in this program
CS: Pilots facing ANY next step in their career
B: Any pilot facing the next step in their career (at any level) finds it uncomfortable before being comfortable again. This environment allows them to develop behaviours and take the edge off the step.
CS: Exposure to Multi Crew
B: Taking the step from single pilot to multi crew can make pilots feel there is something they don’t know. This program assists in helping pilots self-identify many of the skills they have now that are relevant to the multi crew environment. They can then tweak them if needed and feel more confident and effective as a second crew member from the start. It also helps the type rating feel less daunting
CS: Post incidents or operational events
B: Confidence can be affected post an event and this program provides a safe learning environment to prove to themselves that they are still the great asset they were before the event. It is also a great tool to demonstrate to a flight operations department that you have identified a root cause behaviour and are willing to develop it. It also helps pilots articulate professionally what part the airline system may have played in the event so both parties have learning. Pilots use this as part of their return to the line.
CS: Training or performance challenges
B: At the first sign of trouble in a pilots career is the best time to address a root cause behaviour or confidence challenge. Generally, pilots stop, reset, and build themselves back up and self identify when they are ready to go back to the line. This is a game changer for many pilots.
CS: Currency for pilots not flying much or after an extended break (included being removed from service)
B: Research tells us that ‘if you don’t use it you lose it’. Although we know our job, we still need to keep our brains wired for performance.
CS: Pre operational sim and line checks to rehearse real time scenarios
B: Many pilots let their guard down after initial check to line. This program allows rewiring to reinforce their behaviours prior to real sim and checks.
CS: Pilots seeking a boost to confidence
B: Continuous resilience development allows pilots to identify and rehearse their own style. When this occurs, the self assessment data shows us pilots’ confidence accelerates.
CS: Captains/PICs wondering if they could move into training
B: Pilots that participate in this program especially for Route to Command are best suited to give back and learn to facilitate and deliver the program. It is a chance to develop their training style before there are in the hot seat. We have many pilots transitioning to this currently.
The program focuses on the five non-technical ICAO competencies (see QR code Page 75):
- Leadership and Teamwork (LTW)
- Problem Solving and Decision Making (PSD)
- Communication (COM)
- Situational Awareness (SAW)
- Workload Management (WLM)

Within each competency there are Observable Behaviours (OBs) that pilots can tweak to develop the overall competency. E.g., when a company check form is suggesting developing ‘Workload Management’, using the OBs a pilot can dig deeper into HOW they can develop this particular skill.
0.0 Application of Knowledge - KNO
OB 0.1 Demonstrates practical and applicable knowledge of limitations and systems and their interaction
OB 0.2 Demonstrates the required knowledge of published operating instructions
OB 0.3 Demonstrates knowledge of the physical environment, the air traffic environment and the operational infrastructure (including air traffic routings, weather, airports)
OB 0.4 Demonstrates appropriate knowledge of applicable legislation.
OB 0.5 Knows where to source required information
OB 0.6 Demonstrates a positive interest in acquiring knowledge
OB 0.7 Is able to apply knowledge effectively
1.0 Application of Procedures - PRO
OB 1.1 Identifies where to find procedures and regulations
OB 1.2 Applies relevant operating instructions, procedures and techniques in a timely manner
OB 1.3 follows SOPs unless a higher degree of safety dictates an appropriate deviation
OB 1.4 Operates aircraft systems and associated equipment correctly
OB 1.5 Monitors aircraft systems status
OB 1.6 Complies with applicable regulations
OB 1.7 Applies relevant procedural knowledge
2.0 Communication - COM
OB 2.1 Determines that the recipient is ready and able to receive information
OB 2.2 Selects appropriately what, when, how and with whom to communicate
OB 2.3 Conveys messages clearly, accurately and concisely
OB 2.4 Confirms that the recipient demonstrates understanding of important information
OB 2.5 Listens actively and demonstrates understanding when receiving information
OB 2.6 Asks relevant and effective questions
OB 2.7 Uses appropriate escalation in communication to resolve identified deviations
OB 2.8 Uses and interprets non-verbal communication in a manner appropriate to the organisational and social culture
OB 2.9 Adheres to standard radiotelephone phraseology and procedures
OB 2.10 Accurately reads, interprets, constructs and responds to datalink messages in English
3.0 Flight Path management Automation - FPA
OB 3.1 Uses appropriate flight management, guidance systems and automation, as installed and applicable to the conditions
OB 3.2 Monitors and detects deviations from the intended flight path and takes appropriate action
OB 3.3 Manages the flight path to achieve optimum operational performance
OB 3.4 Maintains the intended flight path during flight using automation whilst managing other tasks and distractions
OB 3.5 Selects appropriate level and mode of automation in a timely manner considering phase of flight and workload
OB 3.6 Effectively monitors automation, including engagement and automatic mode transitions
4.0 Flight Path Management Manual - FPM
OB 4.1 Controls the aircraft manually with accuracy and smoothness as appropriate to the situation
OB 4.2 Monitors and detects deviations from the intended flight path and takes appropriate action
OB 4.3 Manually controls the aeroplane using the relationship between aeroplane attitude, speed and thrust, and navigation signals or visual information
OB 4.4 Manages the flight path to achieve optimum operational performance
OB 4.5 Maintains the intended flight path during manual flight whilst managing other tasks and distractions
OB 4.6 Uses appropriate flight management and guidance systems, as installed and applicable to the conditions
OB 4.7 Effectively monitors flight guidance systems including engagement and automatic mode transitions
5.0 Leadership and Teamwork - LTW
OB 5.1 Encourages team participation and open communication
OB 5.2 Demonstrates initiative and provides direction when required
OB 5.3 Engages others in planning
OB 5.4 Considers inputs from others
OB 5.5 Gives and receives feedback constructively
OB 5.6 Addresses and resolves conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner
OB 5.7 Exercises decisive leadership when required
OB 5.8 Accepts responsibility for decisions and actions
OB 5.9 Carries out instructions when directed
OB 5.10 Applies effective intervention strategies to resolve identified deviations
OB 5.11 Manages cultural and language challenges, as applicable
6.0 Problem Solving and Decision Making - PSD
OB 6.1 Identifies, assesses and manages threats and errors in a timely manner
OB 6.2 Seeks accurate and adequate information from appropriate sources
OB 6.3 Identifies and verifies what and why things have gone wrong. if appropriate
OB 6.4 perseveres in working through problems whilst prioritising safety
OB 6.5 Identifies and considers appropriate options
OB 6.6 Applies appropriate and timely decision-making techniques
OB 6.7 Monitors, reviews and adapts decisions as required
OB 6.8 Adapts when faced with situations where no guidance or procedure exists
OB 6.9 Demonstrates resilience when encountering an unexpected event
7.0 Situation Awareness/Info Management - SAW
OB 7.1 Monitors and assesses the state of the aeroplane and its systems
OB 7.2 Monitors and assesses the aeroplane's energy state, and its anticipated flight path
OB 7.3 Monitors and assesses the general environment as it may affect the operation
OB 7.4 Validates the accuracy of information and checks for gross errors
OB 7.5 Maintains awareness of the people involved in or affected by the operation and their capacity to perform as expected
OB 7.6 Develops effective contingency plans based upon potential risks associated with threats and errors
OB 7.7 Responds to indications of reduced situation awareness
8.0 Workload Management - WLM
OB 8.1 Exercises self-control in all situations
OB 8.2 Plans, prioritises and schedules appropriate tasks effectively
OB 8.3 Manages time efficiently when carrying out tasks
OB 8.4 Offers and gives assistance
OB 8.5 Delegates tasks
OB 8.6 Seeks and accepts assistance, when appropriate
OB 8.7 Monitors, reviews and crosschecks actions conscientiously
OB 8.8 Verifies that tasks are completed to the expected outcome
OB 8.9 Manages and recovers from interruptions, distractions, variations and failures effectively while performing tasks
Courtesy of Resilient Pilot this is the list of ICAO Competencies with OBs (Observable Behaviours). Use the OBs to see HOW you can tweak each one which then develops the whole competency.
The program is offered as an ongoing monthly subscription, with all fees going to Resilient Pilot to provide the continuing service. Through the collaboration between the AFAP and Resilient Pilot, current financial AFAP members receive a subsidised rate making it an accessible option for pilot’s professional and self-development. We know the program is most effective when used over minimum of 12 months and therefore will be billed yearly.
We collaborate with Resilient Pilot in the UK,
Next step …
Book a demo!
The best way to understand is to watch a session and come to your own conclusion.
For more information or to book a demo, email or if you are ready to join, AFAP members can subscribe here:
RESILIENT PILOT | Continuous Resilience Development
Q: Do I have to go through AFAP, or can I subscribe to the Resilient Pilot program myself?
A: You can do either. However, joining the program through AFAP will give you discount on the monthly subscription price and additional support by becoming a part of the AFAP Continuous Resilience Development group. Local connection is found to be highly valued by participants.
Q: What does the program offer?
A: The program is designed to grow your Confidence and raise Competence, which in turn will develop your Resilience.
There are 5 modules you can explore, which are grouped under either Confidence or Competence:
- Virtual Mentoring
- Performance Coaching
- Personal Development Workshops (focused on Human Factor Behaviours and performance)
- Competency Development Scenarios (CDS), i.e. virtual sims where you can work on your non-technical ICAO competencies
- Competency Development Workshops (focused on exploring different possible outcomes and solutions of a given unfavourable flying scenario in a group environment).
Q: Do I have to attend every module?
A: The program is designed to give you a wide range of tools you can work with to improve various skills, and to empower you to take ownership of your own personal and professional development.
You do not need to participate in every module, it is 100% your choice what you want to develop.
If you feel you will benefit from working on your non-technical competencies, you can focus only on the two modules from the Competencies section.
If you feel you could do with some improvement in your Human Factors regime, you can focus only on the three modules from the Confidence section.
You may also find that you shift between the competencies and confidence module during your time in the program, or use them simultaneously, depending on what happens in your career and personal life.
Q: Do I need to prepare for the virtual sim (CDS)?
A: No, no preparation is required although attending the monthly Competency Development Workshops may be beneficial to see how the virtual Scenarios work.
The purpose of the virtual sim is providing a non-jeopardy environment and NOT a test environment. It allows the opportunity to rehearse competencies and self-identify what you do well first then be open to develop others.
Q: What IT do I need for the virtual delivery?
A: What works best is a laptop or iPad. After you’ve booked, you will receive a link for the session.
Q: What is the best way to learn in the program?
A: There is no one best way to learn as everyone is different. You are the captain of your own learning ship, and you can steer it the way that you find most beneficial to you.
Our suggestion would be to attend each module at least once or twice when you join the program and see which elements fit into your own continuous development plan. It will become clear for the individual the best way to use the program.
Q: What is a difference between a mentor/coach and a performance coach? Can I do both mentoring and coaching?
A: The best way to use a mentor/coach is to attend some sessions and find out for yourself what competencies you would like to develop. Then you can take them to a mentor/coach who is a pilot and dig deeper into developing them. It is a combination of mentoring which is about imparting knowledge, and coaching which draws your style from within.
You can also work with a pilot mentor/coach to navigate through your chosen career path and/or transition/upgrade to a new flying role.
A performance coach is not a pilot but a professional coach and tends to follow a more structured and formal approach and provides you with clear and intentional feedback during the session.
They tend to be used to address more immediate topics related to your skills and performance you feel you need to work on. These could be both technical and "soft" skills, such as working out how to achieve a better work-life balance or how to manage your time more efficiently.
You can do either mentoring or performance coaching sessions, or both.
Q: How do I book a session?
A: You can book via the website or the Resilient Pilot app on your phone or iPad. Once you click on "Book Now" button, it will take you to a section outlining various modules you can select.
Upon clicking on your chosen module, it will take you to a calendar where you can see all current and future availability with session times and facilitators' names. The best thing is that these times are now shown in your local time zone on the app!
Session availability is usually published a week or two weeks in advance. We also have a WhatsApp group specifically for AFAP members, where the last-minute CDS availability is announced on the day or the day before. With varying rosters pilots find this last-minute reach out useful to jumping on a session.
Monthly group workshops generally take place on the last Tuesday and Thursday in the evening, so you can plan your attendance in advance.