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BNE Seminar & Networking - 3 Dec 2023

BNE Seminar & Networking - 3 Dec 2023

Sunday 3 December 2023 (1430 - 1630 AEST)

AFAP - 33 Montpelier Road, Bowen Hills QLD 4006

Refreshments provided - RSVP to

Industrial & Legal Review

Join us for a discussion of your industrial rights in the aviation industry, including salary rates and working conditions (including rostering and other common issues).

AFAP Legal/Industrial Officers will outline recent and forthcoming changes to industrial relations legislation, and other critical aspects impacting your employment as a pilot.

Safety & Technical Update

The AFAP contributes expertise of its pilot members and staff towards the development of both Australian and International aviation safety standards.

AFAP Safety & Technical Officer Lachlan Gray will provide an update on recent progress and success in the effort to improve safety standards (including in fatigue management).

Member Benefits & Services

The AFAP offers members a wide range of services and benefits, including mentoring, welfare services and Loss-of-Licence cover through the AAP Mutual Benefit Fund

National Pilot Council Vice-Chair Rob Close will briefly describe how pilots working in General Aviation (in fixed wing or rotary operations) can best make use of what the AFAP has to offer.

This event will also be a great opportunity for you to raise any issues or questions you may have, and to network with other pilots. AFAP industrial, legal, and safety/technical staff will be on hand to provide input to discussions.

If you have a colleague or friend who may not be an AFAP member but is eligible to join (i.e. they are a pilot or training to become one), they are also welcome to attend.

All welcome! For catering purposes, please RSVP to

Captain Philip Remilton, National Pilot Council Chair                

Captain Matt Nielsen, Helicopter Pilot Council Chair


Protecting Australia's Pilots