AFAP Leading Edge Workshops

AFAP New Wings – Leading Edge Workshop 3 – Coping with your first scare 

AFAP's 'New Wings' program promotes and advances the interests of Australia's next generation of pilots. It seeks to ensure that pilots in the early stages of their career are effectively supported on the path to a fulfilling profession.


As part of this wider program, we are hosting a short series of informative 'Leading Edge' workshops covering a range of topics specifically designed for early-career pilots looking to develop their professional knowledge and skills. Through this initiative, coupled with our 'Resilient Pilot' project, participants will also be able to access a team of experienced pilots available for ongoing mentoring.


Topic:  Coping with your first scare

Date:  Tuesday 1 October, 19:00-20:30 AEDT / 09:00-10:30 UTC

PresentersFO Michael McGinnis / Capt Philip Remilton / Capt Naomi Radke

Online link:  Emailed to participants the day before 


This workshop is designed to help pilots navigate the challenges of their first scare, offering support and strategies to manage and overcome these experiences and move forward.

While it will be of most interest to those members in the National Pilot Council, all AFAP members are most welcome to attend. This is the third workshop with a final workshop (Saying ‘no’ the right way) planned for November.

While this will be of most interest to those members in the National Pilot Council, all AFAP members are most welcome to attend. This is the third workshop with a final workshop (Saying ‘no’ the right way) planned for November.


Please RSVP to to register for Workshop 3


Protecting Australia's Pilots