New Wings //

New Wings seeks to promote and advance the interests of Australia's next generation of pilots. More expansively, the new Wings program seeks to ensure that pilots in the early stages of their career are effectively supported on the path to a fulfilling profession. 

Each year, the AFAP & AAP MBF jointly fund a scholarship or prize to a second-year and third-year student undertaking piloting training at each of these Australian universities: Edith Cowan University (WA), Griffith University (QLD), Swinburne University of Technology (VIC), RMIT University (VIC), University of New South Wales (NSW), University of South Australia (SA) and the University of Southern Queensland  (QLD). It is intended that the awarded $3000 amount is to be used to assist the successful recipients in funding their flying training.

Leading Edge //

Leading Edge is a mentoring program that provides aspiring pilots with assistance and support from pilots with long-standing experience in the industry.  Mentors are able to provide mentees with insight into the aviation industry, including their experiences, perspective and general career advice.

The AFAP Continuous Resilience Development program is a professional development initiative designed for pilots seeking to enhance their skills and confidence. It introduces the concept of Competency Based Training (CBTA) and provides a no jeopardy environment for pilots to rehearse and develop competencies and behaviours.

The AFAP Resilient Pilot program provides a no jeopardy environment for pilots to measure their own development of ICAO competencies to assist taking the next step in their career. 

For more details and common queries, visit: AFAP Continuous Resilience Development program

Promoting Piloting as a Profession

The AFAP seeks to promote flying as a rewarding and honourable profession. AFAP representatives present information sessions at universities, high schools and career expos. We provide information on how to become a pilot, in addition to honest, knowledgeable and positive insights into this profession. 

Achieving Diversity in the Future

This initiative endeavours to foster equal opportunity so that future pilots stem from different parts of society. With the support of the AFAP’s Women’s Network, New Wings also strives to further gender equality in the industry.

Challenging Exploitation of New Pilots

Our industrial staff provide advice on your employment rights and entitlements, review contracts and pursue employers in breach on their industrial obligations.

Training Affordability

We understand that training is extremely expensive. The AFAP is committed to investigating and implementing ways to make it more affordable. We offer free AFAP membership to student pilots and scholarships to university students.


Protecting Australia's Pilots